Prince of Peace Academy, a private Basic school at Benso, a deprived community in the Gomoa Central Constituency in the Central Region has made a passionate appeal to benevolent Non-Governmental Organization to support the education of over twenty brilliant but needy students currently taken care of free of charge by the school.
The appeal was made by the proprietor of the school, Mr. Stephen Kwesi Bentum through the media.
According to him, he established the school a little over a year ago with the intention of providing accessible education for the teeming out of school children in the area, and because of the quality of education that it provides to these children, its population has grown to over two hundred pupils.
But he stressed that the school is faced with serious financial constraints because some of the pupils are brilliant but from poor homes, and as a result the school has to foot all expenses covering their education, a situation, the proprietor said is having a toll on the school’s scarce financial resources.
He also mentioned teaching and learning materials (TLM’s) such as exercise and text books and other logistics for the toddlers to play with, as some of the assistance that would be welcomed by the school
He said though the school has a Hyundai mini bus for the conveyance of the children from the surrounding communities to and from school, he stated that it affects learning by the children, as it had to go several times because of its size, and is therefore appealing to benevolent organizations and individuals to assist the school purchase a more spacious bus to help in the conveyance of the children.
By. Robert Ayanful