Comedy of Errors at Sir Johns Funeral – Bawumia’s Coronation falling apart

What was supposed to be a grand launch of the Bawumia campaign is turning out to be a comedy of errors. The Bawumia Movement bussed people from all over Ghana.

They were given cloth with the Vice President’s picture in it. It led concerned observers to ask whether the Vice President was dead. It is an affront to Ghanaian culture to have another persons picture in the funeral cloth for some other persons, some elders have observed.

The highlight of the coronation was the declaration by the Director of Culture from the Presidency that after Akufo-Addo the next President is Bawumia. The fall out has been swift and she has been forced to retract her statement and apologize. Are things falling apart in the Bawumia Camp or things are falling apart in the Party? Is a Mafia working and will the rules be fair for everybody? Observers are watching closely as the NPP unfortunately rises against itself.

Statements attached below


I spotted a group of able men and women this morning on my way to Sir John’s funeral wearing mourning clothes with Dr Alhaji Mahamud Bawumia ( vice president) pictures on them.

The most confusion part is to reach the funeral grounds with a lot of people wearing the same clothes as sighted on my way. Then questions begun to bugle my mind. Is the vice president death?, Is he the sponsor of the funeral? Who am I coming there to mourn?

There has never been such an embarrassing situation I found myself as an NPP member like this before. A very renounced political figure is no more and that becomes a playing grounds for premature political campaigns? What a shameful and unthinkable act such as this? Do we have elders in the party?

This type of behavior is uncalled for and must be condemned by the rank and file of party leadership. This alone is an indication that, the death of Sir John is insignificant than their political ambition.

Even a baby knows that; we mourn the death with their pictures. But only today in Ghana, we are mourning the death with the images of the living.

When a group lack leaders, they mistake the funeral of a great party Icon for a market place. How can a legend funeral be turned into a political rally?

Tales of Yaw Solomon Bimoktey.

For immediate release


Yesterday, at the funeral of the Late Mr. Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie (Sir John), I had the singular honor to announce the funeral donations of the President, H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the Vice President, H. E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and the leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

In the course of the announcement, I made an unfortunate remarks to the effect that H. E. Alhaji Dr. Bawumia will be the next President of Ghana. Upon a sober reflection, I have come to the realization that I acted irresponsibly and the said assertion was needless and inappropriate.

*On this premise, I regret my actions and sincerely retract and apologize unconditionally to the Leadership and rank and file of the NPP for making such prejudicial comment that is offensive to the rules of the party.*

Thank you