75 Out Of Every 80 Ghanaians Said To Suffer From High Blood Pressure.

It is estimated that seventy five out every eighty Ghanaians picked at random suffer from high blood pressure, and this is said to be as a result of excessive thinking due to the harsh economic situation faced by majority of the people.

The situation, according to experts, has contributed to the high increase of paralysis cases commonly referred to as stroke in the country.

This was revealed by a physiotherapists in charge of the Holy Royal and Massaging Center in Agona Swedru in the Central Region, Dr. Kojo Mensah David in an interview with this medium.

According to him, though excessive accumulation of cholesterol also play a part in the development of stroke, he pointed out that high blood pressure remains the major contributory factor to the development of the disease.

Though most perceive the disease as a spiritual attack and therefore resort to prayer camps for healing, Dr. Mensah David however stressed that paralysis or stroke is a condition that affects the nervous system, including the brain, and has therefore advised families of such patients to seek for medical attention, but not prayer camps for solutions.

He has also warned the public to consider their eating habit by not consuming to much starchy foods, particularly when going to sleep, and also look out for symptoms such as numbness in the hands and legs, as well as heaviness at the back of the neck, which he said are indications and signs of developing paralysis or stroke.

He also advised that one must learn to allow the body to rest by having ample sleeping time of not less than eight hours, especially in the night, to allow the body to rejuvenate itself.

He hinted that most pastors in the country now have developed high blood pressure because of continuous all-night services, as they do not allow their body to have enough rest as it requires.

According to him, his center treats all conditions of paralysis through physiotherapy and massaging, as well as application of herbal medicine, and also offer home care services where patients are treated in the comfort of their own home or brought to the center for treatment and sent back home by free means of transport.

By: Robert Ayanful

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