Agona East NDC Raises Fund To Empower Wards For 2020

Agona East Constituency executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Central Region last Friday September 7, 2018 held a ceremony to raise funds for the activities of the party towards election 2020.

This was the latest successful fundraising event hosted by the Agona East NDC branch executives under the auspices of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Agona East Constituency Mrs. Queenstar Maame Pokuah Sawyer.

The event, according to the MP, was to resource the party at the ward level towards the 2020 general elections.

The fundraising ceremony was attended by traditional rulers who were flanked by enthusiastic party supporters.

It was also attended by dignitaries, patriotic men and women of the NDC in the constituency.

The event which proceeded the campaign drive walk on Sunday September 8, 2018 was aimed at sensitising party members and galvanising votes in her constituency.

Addressing party supporters, Mrs. Sawyer noted that the party intend to inaugurate branch executives for the ten (10) wards in Agona who will lead the NDC in 2020 general elections.

“We intend to raise funds through this gathering in all the wards one at a time. We raised GH¢5, 400 for the Asafo ward apart from pledges,” she revealed.

According to her, the NDC is still popular in her constituency and will win the December 2020 general elections no matter the noises the NPP makes.

She called for unity in the party in the Agona East constituency, saying that the party needed the votes of every one to recover power from the NPP.



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