The release of AKUAPEM POLO from prison, following an appeal by her lawyer has generated divided public opinion, with some contending that that will give room for others to do same, if care is not taken.

She was sentenced to 90 days imprisonment by an Accra Court for exposing her nudity to her six year-old son and showing it on social media, a practice that is becoming a norm among so-called celebrities nowadays.

Whiles some described the sentence as harsh, and that she could have been given a community sentence by ordering her to engage in community chores by the Court or given her a fine, others were of the opinion that the sentence will serve as deterrent to others.

But some members of the public, including the Clergy have expressed dismay about the announcement of her release, saying that the Court should have upheld the sentence to prove to the world that the laws of the land works and will deal with anyone found culpable, no matter his or her social status.

Commenting on the announcement of her release, the minister in charge of the Assemblies of God church in Agona Nyakrom Rev. Nicholas Baah Boison, the General Overseer of the Great Fire Tabernacle Church Int. at Agona Swedru Apostle Dr. Okofo Fire and the founder of the Living Faith Int. Church at Gomoa Benso Rev. Anim Addae have said that though they have nothing against the Appeal Court of her release, they however expressed fear that the decision may not serve as deterrent enough to others.

According to the members of the Clergy, every law accepted and constituted by a country must be respected and allowed to work.

By: Robert Ayanful

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