Akwantutenten Festival has been launch

Odauhene, Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe, who doubles as the Benkumhene of Abuakwa Traditional Council, has launched the Odau Akwantutenten festival in Akyem Etwereso in the Akyemansa District, Eastern Region.

The Odau Akwantutenten festival tells the history of Odauman.

Odau Etwereso people migrated from Asumja Kokoben in the Ashanti Region and were led by Nana Tena and his sister Ofosu Bima to settle at Akyem Etwereso, which is their present location.

They pass through the forest on the Pra River, all in the name of finding a safer place to settle.

After they moved from Asumja Kokoben, they went to Banka and settled there for a while, then continued to Mronam, then to Odausena, which is presently called Adeisena.

Odau people were hunters and great fighters; on their way there, they fought so many times before reaching their present location.

From Odausena, the Etwereso people moved to the forest in the Pra River area, looking for a place to stay till they reach Ankaasu, where they stayed there for a while till it was dry season. It was very difficult getting water to drink at that area.

They continue their journey in the forest and came across the Kwaneakwa River. At that time, it was in the dry season, so all the rivers in the forest had dried up except the Kwaneakwa River.

They thought it was wise to live around the Kwaneakwa River area because everyone needs water to survive.

Through their search in the area, they found a cave, and that’s where they now settle till date as Etwereso.

Odauhene Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe, speaking to the media, stated that festival brings development to every town and also tells the history of the land.He said every town has a history; therefore, it’s very important for a town to tell its history. The festival improves tourism and boost the economy of the town.

Many people visit towns that organizes festivals and that put the name of these towns on the map.

He said if a town will move forward, it’ll depend on the history of the place.

They want to tell the youth the story of Akyem Etwereso.

They will use the festival to develop Etwereso.

There’s a reason why festivals are organized in every town.

He urged the natives of the town to come together so that they could develop the place together.

According to him, many natives of Etwereso have built their houses in Akyem Oda and Akyem Aboabo, and because of that, whenever they come home, getting a place for their friends becomes a problem for them.

He encouraged the natives to come and build their houses in Akyem Etwereso so that together they can develop the town.

Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe said next year is election year, so he advised the youth not to allow people to entice them with money for them to vote for them but rather to look for the right people who will bring development to the country, then they can vote for that person.

He advised the youth to think about the future first before voting for the wrong person. “If we want the future to be bright, then we don’t have to allow people to be deceived into voting for them” he stated.

He further advised the youth to stay away from drugs and also stay away from violence because it’s bringing the progress of the nation backward.

In the past, people did farming to survive, but now people rely on education, so he urged the youth to focus on school so that life will be very great for them in the future.
Report by Samuel Quao.

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