Akyem Oda market women have set the record straight on Enterprise Agency and Masloc monies.

The Akyem Oda market women have set the record straight on Enterprise Agency and Masloc monies which was shared to them after the Akyem Oda market disaster last year.

On the 13th of September, 2021, the Akyem Oda market was razed to the ground and millions of investments and properties were lost during the inferno.

The President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellence Nana Akuffo Addo, during a visit to commensurate with the people of Oda promised the affected persons of the government’s financial support from Masloc and Ghana Enterprise Agency so that they can bounce back to business.

An amount of Gh4.2 million was disbursed by the financial institutions in fulfilment of the president’s promise in October 2021 when he inspected the gutted market with other government officials.

After the disbursement of the monies to the market women, rumours had it that the hard working MP for Akyem Oda, Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah, has given some of the monies to people who are not victims of the market disaster including the NPP’s women organizer, Madam Akua Safoa.

The market women in an interview with Ghananews247.com stated categorically and on authority that, the rumors going round in town that the MP has given some monies to the NPP women organizer is not true. She said it’s a palpable falsehood by some individuals to dent her hard won reputation and integrity. She however asserted that, the monies have been given to all the affected victims accordingly.

According to them, they  were directed by Masloc and Enterprise Agency to open an account with Ghana Commercial Bank which they all did and afterwards the monies where paid to their various accounts.

They challenged anyone who claimed to have not received any money to own out.

The market women, intimated that some of the victims were given Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH2000) by Masloc whilst others recieved an unspecified amounts from Enterprise Agency depending on their lost properties.

The market women called on the president to come to their aid and fix the Akyem Oda market for them so that they can do their business there.

Currently most of the market women are out of business due to the unavailability of a market.

They complained that, they sell under the mercies of the unfavorable weather conditions with some of their wares exposed to thieves.

September 13th 2022, will be exactly one year since the disaster occurred but Ghananews247.com can report that not even the debris have been cleared from the inner perimeter.

This has brought severe congestion to both human and vehicular movement in the municipality.

Report by Samuel Quao.

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