Akyem Oda MP meets casual staffs of Akim Oda Government Hospital

The Member of Parliament of Akim Oda Constituency, Hon Alexander Akwasi Acquah has met management and casual staffs of Akim Oda Government Hospital.

The meeting which was held at the Hospital’s conference room was to officially handover appointment letters of the first 20 beneficiaries out of the over 60 casual staff who had worked at the Hospital for more than a decade.

The Member of Parliament who led the mechanisation of the casual staffs informed management about another set to be completed as soon as possible. He reiterated that politics should be used to improve the lives of people who voted for you into office and not to milk like what was previously done.

He promised to finalise those who haven’t had theirs mechanised yet even if it takes him to kneel or lie on the ground to get them enrolled into the system.

The Medical superintendent of Akim Oda Government Hospital, Dr Harrisson thanked the Member of Parliament for his immense contribution to the hospital.

He added that, Hope has been restored to many who lost confidence in the system and believe that lives have been affected positively by the unflinching support and assistance the MP have towards his constituency.

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