Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin: A Classic Paradox. Part I

Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin

Upon meeting him the first time, a good number of people are impressed by his ‘babyish energy’ and charisma. Deep down, and in reality however, Afenyo-Markin is a very different creature. The baby with very sharp teeth, is indeed a moving paradox.

People wonder how he is able to make so much noise about things he himself is so guilty of.In the current University of Education, Winneba (UEW) saga for example, many people initially saw a genuinely concerned public figure who had noticed illegalities and wanted them corrected. Now, most people are wondering if Afenyo-Markin really means well for the University or for his pocket!

It is now an open secret that Afenyo-Markin was expecting to be given the opportunity to milk UEW.
For example, he demanded the paying of GHS 10 from each of the 69,500 students. As if the numerous supply and building contracts given him were not enough, he demanded to be given the power to determine how, when and which staff was to be promoted or transferred. Afenyo-Markin started throwing tantrums when the University Management turned down his insatiable and unreasonable demands. He has, since then, made numerous unpalatable comments against the University and its leadership which are pure lies. He has paid some media men to publish all manner of stories against UEW, and authored articles with his very poor and disgraceful English published under pseudo names, and some write-ups, passed onto unemployed hoodlums, who at best can be classified as bootlickers and scavengers, to append their names and publish.

Afenyo-Markin has concocted stories and hired some hungry and decaying people to append their signatures and submitted to the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI), Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO), the Auditor-General, and only last week, to the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP). What Afenyo-Markin has failed to admit is that he has been involved in all manner of questionable deals and yet wants the world to think of him as the saviour of Efutu! This article poses a few questions to little Afenyo-Markin:

Why is Afenyo-Markin not on talking terms with the Chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Freddie Blay, as well as Honourable Samuel Atta Akyea, Minister for Works and Housing and Member of Parliament (MP) for Akim Abuakwa South Constituency?

The bitter feud between a well respected Minister in the ruling NPP and Afenyo-Markin, allegedly occurred during the trial of Maurice Asola Fadona in R v Fadona. In this case, Afenyo-Markin, exhibiting his usual self, and in his pure evil mode, committed a big scandal by dishonestly collecting a huge sum of money from the accused (Asola Fadola) to facilitate the legal process and help him secure freedom from any criminal conviction. As usual, Afenyo-Markin pocketed the huge sum of money, and Fadola was in the end convicted by the court and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour. Fadola asked for a refund of the money, and Afenyo-Markin failed to willingly oblige. Afenyo-Markin later accepted to refund the entire sum after being threatened, followed by the intervention of a high profile NPP official (name withheld). Now that Fadola has broken jail, Afenyo-Markin may be better served if the latter helps the law enforcement agencies to swiftly apprehend the former, lest there will be huge trouble!

Afenyo-Markin should answer this other question: How many Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) receipts has he forged and how many times has he been invited to the GRA offices for questioning? How many times has he gone there on his knees pleading with the GRA to tamper justice with mercy? This is not just hearsay. Here are the facts:
The Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO), in a case filed against Afenyo-Markin claimed that he had falsified and forged GRA Income Tax Receipts, and was invited on several occasions for questioning. Afenyo-Markin begged and pleaded for clemency after which an agreement was reached for Afenyo-Markin to settle the indebtedness through periodic payments (installments). Has Afenyo-Markin redeemed the payments? Or did he pay his way out as that is known to be his modus operandi?

And how about the numerous financial malfeasance and operational interferences at Ghana Water Company Ltd (GWCL), where he is Board Chairman? Afenyo-Markin has managed to bribe his way to prevent worker demonstrations against his greedy overtures, but this will not be forever, Insha Allah!

Many are of the view that this MP is indeed a disgrace to the ruling NPP. Others are wondering why his name has not yet been mentioned in the recent fight against tax evasion.

Reasonable Ghanaians are keenly following the developments at GRA and EOCO in respect of Afenyo-Markin’s open use of State agencies to harass his perceived enemies, while the same State agencies seem silent about Afenyo-Markin’s numerous crooked activities!

I expect Lawyer Afenyo-Markin to sue me, and it will NOT just be a ‘can’ of worms that would be opened, but a whole ‘articulator tanker load of worms’!!

Part II loading ……

Source: Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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