Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin: A Classic Paradox. Part II

Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin

Part I highlighted some of the many illegal, if not criminal activities of Afenyo-Markin, such as defrauding by false pretense in the Asola Fadona case; Afenyo-Markin’s evasion of Income Tax payments by crooked methods; and Afenyo-Markin’s near collapsing of Ghana Water Company Ltd (GWCL), as a result of his disastrous policies, especially, the inflation of contract prices, coupled with blatant and willful violations of the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) as amended. I will be petitioning Hon. Martin Amidu soon to take a forensic view of contracts and recruitments at GWCL since the assumption of office of the current Board Chairman of GWCL.

Afenyo-Markin is now deceiving himself by telling his followers that there is going to be a Cabinet reshuffle by His Excellency the President and that he Afenyo-Markin would be made a Deputy Minister! While awaiting this very unlikely announcement, one wonders if Afenyo-Markin has thought of answers to the many questions he is likely to be asked at his vetting.

In the recent past, a well respected international bank in Ghana (name withheld), wrongly or through the activities of internet fraudsters (sakawa), paid about $180m (one hundred and eighty million United States of America dollars, NOT Ghana Cedis) into the account of Afenyo-Markin.
Shockingly, Afenyo-Markin refused to report or return the unwarranted transaction to the bank!

Unlike honest people such as Hon. Martin Amidu, who alerted the relevant authorities when he noticed a double salary payment into his account,
Afenyo-Markin rather criminally dissipated the funds. Upon detection by the bank and to save their huge reputation and international image, the bank converted the unsolicited facility into a loan/overdraft. Afenyo-Markin has since defaulted in the repayments of the loan/overdraft unwarranted facility, and the bank has attached (ceased) almost all the properties of Afenyo-Markin. This includes vehicles in his house at Dzorwulu in Accra.
This could be the reason why Afenyo-Markin is desperately trying to gain control over the funds of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), in order to loot the said funds and settle his huge and ballooning debts!

The nagging questions are: Did the bank report this incident to its Board of Directors? How about the Bank of Ghana (BoG)? If yes, what was the extent of the involvement of BoG in the matter? As this amount to a criminal offense, were the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service, the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI), the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) and the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP), notified? If the answer is in the affirmative, what was the level of involvement of these investigative bodies in the matter?

Revisiting Afenyo-Markin’s falsification of Income Tax Receipts, inevitably leads one to question the basis of the prosecution of Hon. Mahama Ayariga, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Bawku Central. The Special Prosecutor’s case against Hon. Ayariga is that he denied the State of the appropriate revenue for development. What was the end result of Afenyo-Markin’s falsification of Income Tax Receipts? Denying the State of the needed revenue for development, just like Hon. Ayariga. So why is Ayariga not given the chance to pay the appropriate denied revenue back to the State and go scot free, just like Afenyo-Markin being given the option to pay back to the State what he has stolen?

Equal application of the law is required here. Both Ayariga and Afenyo-Markin are Members of Parliament, and both are alleged to have denied the State of revenue, therefore, if the trial of Ayariga is to continue, then Afenyo-Markin should also face trial.

Even though publicly, Afenyo-Markin had flatly denied any involvement in the widely circulated Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) audio recording that popped up some few years ago, it is now known that Afenyo-Markin went on his knees before some top New Patriotic Party (NPP) gurus at a special meeting and confessed to receiving a hefty bribe from a top official of ADB. Readers would recall that, a tape recording, in which Afenyo-Markin was captured negotiating the payment of a bribe from an official of ADB, surfaced just before the 2016 general elections. Afenyo-Markin had strenuously denied the authenticity of the said audio recording. However, he later confessed to the scandal in the presence of some high profile members of the ruling NPP!

The above are some of the questions that Afenyo-Markin would be required to provide answers to at the vetting stage in Parliament, in the unlikely event of his nomination as Deputy Minister!

The vetting committee of Parliament should expect a memo from me if Afenyo-Markin is ever nominated as Deputy Minister.

It is not over yet for Afenyo-Markin. He still has a chance to stop me from further revelations of the ADB/Excel Haulage saga; the frivolous and vexatious suit against Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd; the UT Bank brouhaha; the betrayal of Ing. Peter Deever and the Managing Director (MD) of Ghana Water Company Ltd (GWCL), Dr. Braimah; the purchase of the brand new Mercedes Benz Saloon Car for that lady Lawyer to keep her quiet and a real ‘tanker load’ of other dishonourable activities of Afenyo-Markin.

The options opened to Afenyo-Markin to stop me are basically three (3) fold: Only Allah (who Afenyo-Markin has no control over) can stop me in the first place. Forget about voodoo and other magic charms! Such filth will NOT work against me, Insha Allah! This also applies to those intermediaries pleading with me to ceasefire. I haven’t started ‘firing’ yet, so there is nothing to cease!

Afenyo-Markin’s next best bet to stop me from further revelations of his ‘nocturnal’ activities, is a court order, by way of an injunction. The kid Afenyo-Markin is reminded that injunctions are not sought in respect of Pro-Vice-Chancellor elections. What a disgrace to the legal profession!

Finally, Afenyo-Markin may also stop me by publicly confessing to his role in the ADB bribery saga, and proceed to retract and apologize to me for all his negative comments against me in the media.

I wish to remind Afenyo-Markin that he is yet to sue me for my having been employed at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), without any educational qualifications; a University Afenyo-Markin behaves as if is his personal property.

Similarly, Afenyo-Markin is yet to sue me with regards to the contents of Part I of this series.

Insha Allah, when I promise, I deliver. I therefore promise Afenyo-Markin that his rightful abode, is behind bars, and definitely NOT a member of the ‘bar’!

The unfazed, unshakable, and unperturbed son of the upright peasant farmer, together with his ancestors, patiently await the suit(s) of Afenyo-Markin for the showdown to begin!

Part III loading……..

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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