Parenting is one major responsibility demanded from mankind by God, and ones ability to shoulder that responsibility determines how ones family and for that matter society views that person, whether as responsible or irresponsible father or mother.

Since the creation of mankind, God placed the greatest of this responsibility on the shoulder of man, as he is to provide food, shelter and clothing for the family, whereas the woman is to compliment his effort by taking care of the home i.e. ensuring proper upbringing of the children.

But in the world of today, many parents, especially men are shirking this responsibility, leaving it at the mercy of women.

No wonder children turn to celebrate their mothers more than their fathers.

Apart from this fact, research has shown that children are more affectionate towards their mothers than their fathers because of the bond between them and the mother during pregnancy, birth and childhood stage in life.

But notwithstanding this fact, it is also a known truth that some women set their children against their fathers, particularly when there is misunderstanding in the marriage, brainwashing the children that the father is a nobody, a thing that men normally don’t do.

This may account for the reason why Mothers Day is celebrated more than Fathers Day.

At a feast organized by the Divine Gift Worship Ministry in Agona Swedru last Sunday, even some members of the Church, including children expressed love for their mothers more than their fathers, though it was a day to celebrate fathers.

The founder and General Overseer of the Church, Rev. Philip McCallister however placed the blame at the doorstep of men, saying majority are too autocratic that even their own children are afraid to come closer, let alone play with them, unlike they do with their mother.

But as head of the home and bread-weaner, are these actions of men not justifiable? After a hard days work, should the man come home and be playing with the children, and should this be a reason enough not to celebrate them?

By: Robert Ayanful

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