As the NDC warms up for its constituency executive elections, one name that is making waves within the constituency is Vijay Agbogedenu.

Vijay Agbogedenu has been a member of the party and a constituency die hard of the party since 1992.

Over the years he has occupied the position of the member of the youth working committee that brought NDC back to power in 2009.

He was an integral member of the campaign team of the for Member of Parliament for the constituency, Alfred Kwame Agbesi.

Mr Agbogedenu equally played a significant role in wrestling the constituency seat from the NPP after it lost the seat for the first time in the year 2000.

He later rose through the ranks to occupy the seat of the constituency Organizer from the year 2010-2018.

His tenure saw a lot of drastic and positive youth driven agenda that even saw the birth of the current Member of Parliament, Ernest Henry Norgbey in 2016.

Constituency stalwarts describe Mr Agbogedenu as a very purposeful person,highly focused and results oriented young man worth working with in the position of Constituency Vice Chairman.

Some constituency executives who spoke in a random interview said it’s high time the youth are allowed into the circle of management to help in steering the affairs of the Party.

“It is about time, we allow our youth and people who have worked hard and toiled for the Party over the years; frontline positions to steer the affairs of our able NDC Party. Ashaiman NDC needs a complete overhaul and people like VeeJay Agbogedenu cannot be overlooked” they said

As the Party gears up for its constituency elections, the delegates say they pray, the right people who have suffered for the Party are voted for.

“A lot of people have suffered for the Party and they deserve to be voted for”

Some also advocated the come back of the former constituency chairman of the Party, Shaddad Jallo, saying he is the man of the moment and must be considered by all.

They mentain that Shaddad is needed to solidify the ground as they seek to work hard to wrestle the seat of government from the ruling NPP.

“2024 will not be an easy task and we need the right people to help steer affairs so we can increase our voter turnout and Shaddad Jallo is the Chairman to help in that regard. We know him as he has been tried and tested”.

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