The Regent of the Ashaiman Divisional Council, Nii Annang Adjor says there is serious tension within the Ashaiman Municipality as a result of the much anticipated announcement to be made with regards to the position of the Municipal Chief Executive appointment.
The Regent says, information available to him indicates that a number of youth groups are clamouring for change and anything short of that could be chaotic in the Municipality.
Ashaiman over the years have been noted for notoriety and bloody demonstrations; a situation the regent is appealing to appointing authorities to appoint the right person for the position of the Municipal Chief Executive to avert any future disturbances.
Speaking in an interview, the Regent thus pleaded with the President to appoint a local who could level the ground and better understands the plight of the people.
“The signal I am picking is not good and I want to appeal to the President to appoint the right person to occupy the position of the Municipal Chief Executive.”
Nii Annang Adjor went ahead to say, “Even within the NPP what I am picking is not good. The people are unhappy and want change in administration and so as the father of the people I can’t sit on aloof but send the signal to authorities to enable them act accordingly.”
Some NPP coordinators and sympathisers months ago thus threatened to hit the street should the appointing Authorities thus reappoint the incumbent MCE Albert Boakye Okyere.
They say they will hit the street and demonstrate until he is replaced.
T them the incumbent Municipal Chief Executive Albert Boakye Okyere has underperformed and any attempt to get him re-appointed will be chaotic.
Yaw Donkor, a party executive for instance said they will demonstrate for days until their demands are met.
The Queenmother of the Ashaiman Divisional Council, Naa Amui could not agree more with his Chief saying it is about time a different person is appointed to occupy the MCE position as the incumbent has had his time.
On her part she said “ Ashaiman is a Ga-Dangme land but we are very hospitable to all tribe but they seem to forget us anytime they get the appointment to the high office of MCE. This time we will plead with the President to grant us the request of appointing one of our own who can understand our culture and development agenda.”
So far four people have been shortlisted to be considered for the position as MCE including the incumbent MCE.
But some NPP members says any attempt to reappoint the incumbent will be chaotic.
Some youth on Wednesday held a mini protest at the central business area over the non functioning of their streetlights and poor roads and have also hinted of demonstrating should the incumbent MCE be reappointed.
“We want a new person to take over from the incumbent because he has failed to develop Ashaiman and it’s about time someone else is given the chance because he has held this position two times already and we can’t go through his poor and underperformance the third time.”