Black Stars Top Fan Urge Players To Shine Against Egypt


Abigail Twumasiwaa Okanta, National Women’s Organizer of the vociferous Die Hard Supporters Union has urged the Black Stars of Ghana to go all out to beat the Pharaohs of Egypt by a wide margin on Sunday at Cape Coast.

Speaking to Yours Truly in an exclusive interview, the Die Hard fan said Ghana would be missed at the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup, but the players must redeem their image and status by defeating Egypt who have already made it from the group comprising Ghana, Congo and Uganda.

She said pride is at stake, and Ghana must use the top class match to access players taking over from the old generation.

She hinted that the winner would also gather points in the FIFA rankings and also gain some respect.

According to Madam Okanta who has traveled with the Black Stars to many tournaments including the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and the African Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, the team always need support to shine, and she hopes that Ghana is going to outshine Egypt.

She said Ghana Sports is not going down as some people think.
“Ghana Sports is never going down, the reason that we don’t get expected results is that the right people are not in the right positions most of the time” she expressed.

“If football cannot take us to the FIFA World Cup, we have to support other disciplines like weight lifting, badminton, volleyball, taekwondo, hockey, table tennis and others because they can perform better if they are encouraged” she added.

According to Abigail Okanta, some of the sports leaders and administrators like the president of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC), Ben Nunoo Mensah, rugby’s Herbert Mensah, Mawuko Afadzinu of table tennis, Paul Atchoe of volleyball are doing very well, but many people do not know.

She noted that as a sports fan, she does not only cheer football but all sports.
She predicted a 3-1victory for the Black Stars, hoping that they will go attacking all out since they have nothing to lose or win.

Story by  Sammy Heywood Okine

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