BNI Staff Aide Foreigners To Undergo Limited Voter Registration Exercise In Ketu South

… NPP Vice Chair Petitions National Security

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Vice Chairman in the Ketu South Constituency has lodged a formal complaint at the National Security against a BNI Staff, Mr. John Kugblenu who, according to him aided the movement of persons from neighbouring Togo and Benin to partake in the ongoing Limited Voter Registration exercise.

In his letter to the National Security, Daniel Akpalu indicated that he had information about the movement of foreigners to take part in the registration exercise by some politic Al parties.

He said: “Knowing that this is a common practice by operatives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), I sought permission from the sector Commander of CEPS, Miss Shirley Vigbedor to position two of our polling station agents at the exit points of the Aflao Border just to observe, to which she agreed. “

According to Daniel Akpalu on May 14, 2019 he went round to check on the two guys he detailed to the border only to meet John Kugblenu verbally assaulting the two persons and shouting on them, asking them to leave their positions.

“I tried to calm situations and explain to him that permission was sought from Miss Vigbedor. In the process of explaining and without any provocation, Mr. Kugblenu threw a hefty punch aimed at my face,” he said.

Daniel Akpalu also indicated that he was shocked by the unprovoked attack from the BNI Staff and quickly reported the incident to the BNI Sector Commander.

He said John Kugblenu seem to be a threat to the activities of the party and government as well as the National Security in the Constituency and asked Mr. Kugblenu to be closely monitored and in estimated with appropriate punitive measures given to him for interfering in the Limited Voter Registration exercise.


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