Bulk Money rescue MMAMPEHIA from deadly drinking water

The Home and Abroad non governmental organisation, Bulk Money Foundation has donated a mechanized Borehole to the 

Mmaampɛhia community in the Achiase District.

The Ghc 30,000.00 water project was a relief to the community as far water and sanitation is concerned.

During the commissioning, the CEO for the Foundation Mr. George Niako popularly known as Bulk Money; reiterated the foundation’s aim of helping the communities within the Achiase district of the Eastern Region in terms of Education, water and Sanitation that there are more projects from the foundation for the people and asked for more support from able donors as one person does not rule a Nation hence their support keenly welcome.

The Odikrow of Mmampɛhia, Nana Kofi Annan Acquah II who doubled as the Akyem Aperade Akyeamehene thanked the philanthropist for his keen interest in developing his community.

“Drinking Water here was very difficult especially in the dry season and also we can not guarantee its safety since someone can easily poison the whole of us as result of the nature of our water but we are currently saved under the hands of Bulk Money foundation” he applauded.

Meanwhile, both aged and the ageing residents of Mmampɛhia happily thanked the CEO of the Bulk Money Foundation, Mr. George Niako for their first time of drinking from a quality source of water and asked for God’s blessings to the foundation.

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