Akyem Achiase and Osroase communities get favor from Bulkmoney Foundation.

The president of the Bulkmoney Foundation in Akyem Achiase constituency, Eastern Region, Engineer George Niakoh, has presented medicine and medical equipment worth Gh70,000 to Akyem Achiase Health Center and also commissioned a mechanized borehole for Akyem Osroase community.

The president of Bulkmoney Foundation, speaking to the people after the presentation, urged the delegates in Achiase constituency to vote for him in the upcoming NPP parliamentary primaries.

According to him, after they vote for him, he will make sure the youth in the constituency get the opportunity to join the military.

He said there are three jungle Warfare in the world, and Achiase constituency is fortunate to have one, so he will make sure he has a dialogue with the military high command so that a quota will be given to the people of Achiase for the youth to be recruited into the military.

Engineer George Niakoh noted that Achiase is a farming constituency, so when he gets the nod, he will make sure he brings mechanized farming to the constituency.

He said the Achiase constituency has been divided into three areas, but when he gets the opportunity to lead the NPP in the constituency, he will bring everyone together so that they can develop the constituency together.

The Chief of Akyem Achiase Daasebre Gyeni Akenten ii receiving the medicine and the medical equipment and commending Bulkmoney Foundation for the good things they are doing in the constituency.

He urged the NPP party members to do clean politics in the constituency because they are one political party.

He asks them to stay away from politics of insults because it doesn’t speak well for the party.

The Gyaasehene of Akyem Osroase together with the Queen, called on the delegates in Achiase constituency to vote for Engineer George Niakoh so that he can continue with the good work he is doing for the people of Achiase constituency.

They express their appreciation to the president of the Bulkmoney Foundation for giving them the mechanized borehole.

Report by Raskorsa

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