CCP training: Gnacops Ashanti Regional Chapter organises training for Private Schools- GNACOPS Communication Director hinted.

The Ghana National Council of Private Schools, Gnacops, in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, NaCCA and the National Teaching Council, NTC has organised a 5-day C¹CP and SBC training for all private school teachers in the Ashanti region.

The training will start from  10th February 2021 to Sunday 14th February 2021.

Certificates and ID cards would be issued to participants at the end of the training.

Schools in the region are encouraged to take part in this important exercise to help accommodate the new trends in education in the country.

According to the communication director Mr Samuel Nyamekye, education in Ghana seeks to transfigure from the objective-based curriculum to the Standard-based curriculum where teaching should be centred on the learners.

To him, education should defocus pen and paperwork for more practical work.

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