Chiefs and People of Baatsonaa in the Ledzokuku- Krowor Municipality of the Greater Accra region, are calling for some rapid reforms within the hierarchy of the service’s Anti-Langaurd unit over what they describe gross exhibition of incompetence in heir handling of land litigation cases in the area.

Their disappointment comes at the back of recent attempts by some highly connected individuals to forcefully take over lands and properties belonging to some natives of the area.

According to them the activties of these influential personalities have also prompted the insurgence of landgaurds in the area. With attacks and assault on property and land owners bring the order of the day.

According to the Development Chief of Baatsonaa, Nii Onsro Dja I, who cited a similar case in which one of his subject, one Madam Faustina Borkor Boye, had her 3 bedroom apartment demolished with her half plot of land being seized by one Emmanuel Bediako who according to sources is highly connected in government and the police service.

Nii Onsro Dja said, despite the Baatsonaa Divisional council intervening to ensure the law was applied in the matter, personnel of the Anti-Langaurd unit of the police service have taken side in the matter, whiles acting in total disregard to a pending court case on the said matter.

He bemoaned the undue interference and unprofessional conduct of the Anti-Langaurd unit headed by DSP Karim Atuluk, in handling land litigation matters in the area, as worrying and a threat to peace in his jurisdiction.
The victim madam Faustina Borkor Boye who has been bedridden for years now, after she lost her 3 bedroom apartment and a half plot of land to the said businessman, when contacted wept over the ordeal she has been through in the hands of the said businessman and the Anti-Langaurd unit.

Madam Faustina Borkor Boye who is currently living in a kitchen of a good Samaritan with her 4 children, said she only sold a portion of her one plot of land to the said businessman,only for the later to turn around and claimed all portion, which also resulted in her losing her 3 bedroom house seated on the land.

She questioned why the unit with all their experience in matters of such nature, will allow themselves to be influenced by money and take side in the issue.

Prince Dwomoh a developer whose building (which was at it final stage) was demolished some weeks ago by the said influential businessman said, all avenues including the court and the police to stop the said influential businessman from using his thugs to take what rightfully belongs to him, has proven futile.
He said not even a pending court case and numerous petition to he property fraud and Anti-Langaurd unit of the police has yielded any results.

He further alleged that, personnel of the Anti-Langaurd unit have rather been acting as bodyguards for workers hired by the said businessman to build on he ( Prince Dwomoh’s) land that he’s being fought over.

Meanwhile a petition signed by the Baatsonaa Divisional Council headed by Nii Ansuade Borketey I, chief of the area, has been made to the Inspector of Police to as a matter of urgency, effect some sweeping changes at the Anti-Langaurd unit headed by DSP Karim Atuluk, to help protect him the image of the Police service.

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