Contempt of Court: Regional House of Chiefs Caught In Attempt To Gazette Embattled Quacoopome Packer As King Of Prampram

A case of contempt of court is being filed against the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, over it attempt to nicodemusly gazette one Quarcoopome Parker as King of Prampram.

Intelligence report from the Dodowa office of the Regional House of Chiefs had indicated that, plan are far advanced by some self seeking induced leaders of the house to secretly gazette the Embattled Quarcoopome Parker who parades himself under the name Nene Tetteh Wakah as chief of Prampram, despite two separate court suit challenging his capacity pending at the Tema High court.

The said Packer whose legality as chief of Prampram is also being challenged at both the regional House of Chiefs and the National house of chiefs by the kingmakers of the 3 royal gates in Prampram, is alleged to have bribed his way out to ensure he gets gazetted by close of the week.

However reports indicates that leaders of he 3 royal gates in Prampram namely Abbey- Doku Mansro We, Tetteh Dzan Larbi Agbo We, and Kwei Opletu We, have filed a petition to the National house of chiefs to prevent the said contemptuous illegality from being perpetrated by the said corrupt individuals at the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs.

Report also indicates that a scheduled hearing of a suit challenging the legality of the said Quarcoopome Parker as King of Prampram, which was expected to be heard on the 16th of September 2021, is likely to be swept aside by the said individuals at the house to pave way for the ceremony to gazette the accused together with some other chiefs whose legibility are being challenged at the house.

There are fears the said ceremony to gazette these Embattled self imposed chiefs and kings, could be scuppered by some aggrieved youths who are against their candidature as chiefs and kings of their various Paramountcy and divisions.

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