Corrupt Leaders Are Bane To The County’s Problems – Rev. Ntow

The Head of the Jesus Christ Apostolic Faith Church, Rev. Samson Ntow has disclosed that the challenges facing Ghana as a country is as a result of corrupt people in leadership positions.

Speaking with after the 34th Annual Camp Meeting at the Church’s Head Quarters at Agona Asafo in the Central Region, Rev. Ntow hinted that the problem cuts across all facets of life, from religious leaders to politicians, businesses and individuals.

He said as a result of this, most Ghanaians have little or no fear for the commandment of God, yet they pride themselves as a Christian country.            

He noted that until people placed in high places realize this and turn away from their corrupt deeds, God will continue to turn away His favour from the country, and it will continue to wallow in abject poverty.

Some of the activities that marked the Camp Meeting which was on the theme; ”Deliver  Us From Evil” included  dawn broadcasting, house to house evangelism and crusade, among  others.   

Meanwhile, the Swedru Area Head of the Voice of the Lord Evangelical Church, Rev. Samuel Temeng has prophesied that the country will experience more death this year and beyond, if the nation does not go on its knees and pray to God to intervene.

Rev. Samuel Temeng who disclosed this in an interview with hinted that the calamity is a result of the engagement of blood-thirsty occult spirits by some self-styled men of God, politicians and even the youth to get fame, power or riches.

He revealed that these spirits are hovering over the country looking for the least opportunity such as the Christmas and New Year celebration to strike under the guise of road accidents.

He has therefore admonished all religious sects to pray for God’s intervention against the deeds of these evil spirits.

By: Robert Ayanful

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