COVID-19: Time To Lockdown Our Haman – Prophet Patrick Amoako

Wuhan’s pandemic virus covid 19 has been a global subject of interest since it’s inception in 2019. The outbreak of Corona virus has dominated news headlines, social media, radio discussions etc. In as much as world leaders, health professionals and other stake holders are putting in much effort to eradicate this pandemic virus, one question lingers in mind. What does the future hold?

What did China use to cure their disease that today they are claiming over 92.5% recoveries? Why are they sending us Face mask and hand sanitizers instead of showing us what led to their cure? What is the effect of the 5G system introduced? Have they told us? No!
Obviously some Haman’s….

To that effect, Prophet Patrick Amoako has urged the body of christ especially the new generation to arise, avail ourselves to Yahweh like never before for God to use us bring the hope of the future back.

Prophet Patrick Amoako has revealed that, the enemy has subjected the world under attack, reiterating that, there are many devises of the enemy behind closed doors against the body of Christ.

He has revealed that a group of “Hamans” have the destruction of the future at heart and will stop at nothing until they see it destroyed to the implementation of their new world order thus the mark of the beast.

He Said ” My brethren take it or leave it because if you don’t Knockdown your Haman today, that Haman will lockdown your future tomorrow so the time for the New generation is due. Let us arise son’s and daughters of the Great Father’s of the land and lift up our voices for Heaven will surely respond”

Prophet Patrick Amoako believes we are in the end time therefore, the body of Christ must put in effort to stop the orchestration of the enemy. The “Call to action” by the Prophet is to energise the New Generation to secure the future of the world in prayer amidst the current happenings globally.
He has called for unity in Spirit since this is not an individual battle. It is not time for church or denomination exclusiveness, color or racism but time for all of us to rise to the demand of this very evil occasion through the spirit of unity and one voice in prayer.

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” 1 Chronicles 12:32.

We must all rise up to this occasion “David Generation” defend the Kingdom of our God from these evil group of people who are deceiving the world just to achieve their evil agenda and as well defend the crown of our fathers.

We will surely prevail in the name of He who died and resurrected on the third day Yeshua Hamachiach (Jesus Christ of Nazareth)

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