E/R!! Hon. Eric Osei Owusu speeds up Eastern Region NDC campaign, donates logistics to four constituencies for action.

The Member of Parliament for Afram Plains South in the Eastern Region, Hon. Eric Osei Owusu has presented logistical support to four constituencies within the region to help facilitate effective campaign in those areas.

The beneficiary constituencies include the Kade constituency, Nkawkaw constituency, Abetifi constituency and Mpraeso constituency.

The items donated includes ten thousand posters and five thousand branded exercise books for each of the four constituencies.

In a short address ahead of the presentation of items, Mr. Eric Osei Owusu charged the hundreds of party faithfuls who gathered at Obuorba Village, Nkawkaw, especially those who occupy executive positions to consider this year’s presidential and Parliamentary elections as a world cup final match and therefore, invest every thing they have, be it financial, time and energy into effective campaign in their various communities in order to bring back the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to power come 2021.

According to the Afram Plains South law maker, it has always been difficult for a party that is out of office to mobilize enough logistics towards its operations than the party in power and that is what motivated his gesture.

*”It is difficult to mobilize enough resources for party activities when you are in opposition and that is what motivates me to present these few but potential logistics to you for the task ahead. As President J.A. Kufour said, “It is better to be a messenger in a ruling party than be a general secretary of an opposition party. Therefore I charge you all to be resolute and work hard to bring the party that brings all Ghanaians together back to power he said.

The MP further charged party members to give their all in contributing to the NDC’s victory in 2020 because all efforts shall be rewarded when the party wins power in the December 7th elections.

He however indicated that, the items presented represents 50% of the full package with the other 50% due to arrive soon.

The presentation ceremony was well organized and attended by members of the party from all beneficiary constituencies including the Parliamentary Candidates, constituency executives and some regional executives.

The constituency chairman for Nkawkaw, George Rockson Odame who hosted the ceremony also in his appreciation address, commended the Afram Plain South MP for the kind gesture on behalf of all beneficiary PC’s and constituencies and assured him that the items presented will be used for the purpose intended.

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