Enact Law To Criminalize Public Advetisement Of Occultic Societies – Parliament appealed

An Islamic scholar and preacher and Chief Executive of Wiase Mu Nsem Dooso Spiritual and Herbal Center at  Agona Swedru in the Central Region, Mallam Abdul Ganiu has appealed to the countr’y house of legislature to enact laws that will criminalize the public advertisement of any occult society, particularly on the television, and also empower the relevant authorities such as the National Media Commission (NMC) and the National Communicatio Authority (NCA) to deal with any such television station that will allow its medium to be used for any such publicly, and even close it down, where necessary.
According to him.such occult societies that claim offer bloodless money are the cause of the increasing incidents of ritua killings in the country in recent times, enticing the youth to go into every possible means of getting richness quick.
Mallam Abdul Ganiu who made the call in an interview with Ghananews247.com said  the youth of today have become lazy and does not want to work because of the claim by these occult society groups that have flooded the country’s media space.
He recounted numerous instances where people, mostly the youth have come to him with the complaints that they have been duped by these occult societies on the pretext that they will offer them bloodless money after parting with a specific amount of money, but ended up being deceived, and as such he should do something to get their monies back from the occult society, but stressed he always warn them that his center deals with spiritual problems and health ailments, and not ritual money, and therefore turns them back.
He pointed out that the situation where young boys who have no jobs doing are riding luxurious cars and building mansion, which hitherto, were frowned upon, is now becoming an acceptable norm, a situation he said should be a concern to all.
“There is nothing like free money where someone will ask you to bring some small amount of money for a huge sum of money. If he has such an amount of money to give you, why is he demanding that you should pay money. This is simple logic. All this is scam” he advised.
The public advertisement of these  secret societies, occult and Illuminati groups on the television has become a common phenomenon in the country in recent times, with some of the television stations owned by these groups.
By Robert Ayanful

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