Fathers Urged Not To Shirk Their Responsibilities.

Fathers have been urgent to spent ample time with their children and not to see their care and upbringing as the sole responsibility of the woman.

They have also been advised not to shirk their responsibility as men and leader of the home, but rather take up the challenge of the total upbringing and wellbeing of the children.

The admonishing was given by the minsters in charge of the Heaven Land Ministry Int. Pastor Frank Owusu and Rev. Solomon Dzukpor of the Promised Word Min. in Agona during special service to celebrate this year’s World Fathers’ Day last Sunday.

According to both men of God, children are not just products of marriage, but a gift from God and therefore running away from the responsibility of their care attracts the wrath and curses of God.

However, they attributed the shirking of responsibility by some fathers to women who do not give men room in the home to operate as fathers, not that men who find themselves in such unfortunate situations turn to seek solace elsewhere, leaving the children to their plight.

They also condemn situations where some women paint negative picture about the father to their children, creating the impression that they take sole responsibility of the upbringing of the children.

They later commented children for now seen the need to celebrate their fathers, irrespective of whether the abandoned then responsibility or not, but stressed that this should seen as an opportunity by men to run away from their responsibility as fathers.

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