Five thieves arrested for stealing pregnant goat, motorbikes

Five persons who allegedly stole motorbikes and a pregnant goat among other valuables in Zebilla in the Bawku West District of the Upper East Region have been arrested.

Police say the suspects have been involved in a series of crimes, including robbery, and are currently on bail in those cases.

They already have three cases pending against them in court.

The five suspects were arrested Thursday dawn by a joint Police and watchdog committee team in the area at about 1:30 in the process of stealing four motor bikes, amplifier, a recording deck, motor tricycle cargo with 6bags of fertilizer and a pregnant goat.

Confirming the news to 3News, District Police Commander, ASP Emmanuel Huni -Broni the suspects have admitted the offence and told the Police some of the items they previously stole were sold in Bolga and Bawku.

He called on residents to assist the police with information to enable them arrest criminals in the area. ASP Hun-Broni commended the watchdog committee in the district for the very good work that they are doing in regards helping them “fish” out the criminals in the district.

Police have given the names of the five suspects as Akurugu Alabilla, Ndeegba John, Ayelwini Alalba, Azumah Mbawini and Akumbo Paul.

The people of Bawku West have for the past four months been terrorized by thieves and armed robbers which have caused loss of lives and properties, something that prompted the formation of a community watchdog committee.

Salifu James, a retired teacher, said on the 13th August, 2017 his new motorbike was taken away by thieves from his house late in the night.

Francis Angre, a teacher and a bar operator at Binaba told 3News thieves broke into his bar two weeks ago and made away with amplifier, laptop, five crates of Guinness, malt and other things.

Also, a number of robberies have been recorded at the GN Bank and on the Bolgatanga-Bawku road in the Bawku West district.

Vice chairman of the watchdog committee, Issifu Mohammed said, have since the formation of the committee not relaxed, noting their efforts have eventually paid of with the arrest of the five suspects.

He has appealed to the district chief executive, the district assembly and the member of parliament in the area as well as the police command to equip them with logistics to support the police in providing security.

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