GES officer arrested in Ho for selling government free books


The Police in Ho have arrested the Municipal Supply Officer of the Ghana Education Service (GES), Wisdom Atawiah and the storekeeper of Azumah Bookshop, Newton Fiagbor for allegedly engaging in the sale of teaching and learning materials meant for free distribution to schools within the municipality.

The items bearing the ‘Not for Sale’ inscription were found on the shelves of the popular bookshop, in the Volta regional capital, by an informant who later hinted the Police leading to the arrest of the shopkeeper last Wednesday, October 4, 2017.

A search in the shop led to the discovery of 536 technical drawing and sketchbooks, 171 boxes of white chalk, 22 pieces of Longman dictionary; 140 pieces of crayons and 8 copies of Primary 3 English textbook.

Graphic Online was informed that the ‘Not for Sale’ inscription on the items was partially blurred, while they were priced at reduce rates as compared to those on the open market.

For instance, whiles Technical drawing and sketchbooks cost Ghc7.00 in the open market, the brands from the Ghana Education service were priced at Ghc 5.00.

The Volta Regional Police Commander, DCOP Nana Asomah Hineh, confirming the issue to Graphic Online on Monday, said, Fiagbor the shopkeeper during interrogation mentioned Atawiah, the Supply officer at the Ho Municipal GES directorate as the source of the items.

He added that “we quickly moved in and arrested Wisdom Atawiah and in his caution statement he accepted and agreed that he sold the items to Newton at the cost of Ghc1,500.”

The Commander noted that, when he queried Atawiah further for his reason for selling the items, he responded that he sold the items to pay the fees of his son who was at the university.

He however said the two suspects have been granted police enquiry bail as they were being processed for court; whiles the Command has launched a manhunt for a third suspect, Dickson Yahezu who is said to have supplied the Longman dictionaries to the shopkeeper.

Meanwhile, the Ho Municipal Director of GES, was unavailable for comment when Graphic Online visited the directorate. He was said to be busy on an interview panel.

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