GFA Pays Working Visit To Ghana Soccer Centre of Excellence at Prampram

The newly constituted Ghana Football Association (GFA) made up of its President Kurt Okraku and his Executive Council has today paid a working visit to the Ghana Soccer Centre of Excellence at Prampram.

Mr. Kurt Okraku and his Exco visited the facility to inspect its state as they toured its offices, residential apartments, changing and a multi-purpose hall, medical centre, as well as the various training pitches.

The Administrator of the centre, Maxwell Kemeh Caeser led the tour and also briefed the GFA President on the state of various facilities.

Following some interactions between the delegation and staff of the Centre, Kurt Okraku expressed concern over the poor state of the facilities and has assured that the new administration will bring the place back to life for it to function appropriately for its intended purpose.

The Exco members who accompanied President Kurt Okraku are Kingsley Osei Bonsu, Samuel Anim Addo, and Nana Sarfo Oduro.

The Acting General Secretary of the GFA Alex Asante and the body’s Technical Director, Oti Akenteng were also present during the tour .

STORY BY Sammy Heywood Okine

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