Ghanaian footballer transferred for Turke10 litres of olive oil in.

It has been a summer of intense transfer business for the major club son European football but the best transfer story definitely goes to Ghanaian striker Mohammed Sumaila.

The 25 year old striker has been a fixture in the amateur leagues in Turkey for the past five years but his one month transfer to Yorukalispor is making waves the world over.

Sumaila’s transfer was completed for the handsome reward of 10 litres of olive oil to enable him play in a one month tournament in Mudanya province. Sumaila accepted to play after he was introduced by his former team mate Tayfun Albayrak.

According to Sumaila,he intends to give back the olive oil as a gift to the people.

“I am 25 years old. I played football in Torbalı, Tire, Soma and Gaziemir teams until the time I transferred to Kütahya team for next season and later transferred to Yörükalispor to play in this football tournament which is organized for 1 month in Mudanya, Now we wonder what Neymar and his friends think about this deal.

Story by Sammy Heywood Okine

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