Giving Cooked Food To Ghanaians Under Lockdown Not The Best – PNC’s Samson Asaki

Mr. Samson Asaki Awingobite, Flagbearer hopeful of PNC, said distribution of cooked food to people under the COVID-19 lockdown is not the best way to go hence, urged government to simply give out uncooked food item to Ghanaians to cook themselves.

“I believe doing this will go a long way to help than what is been done at the moment,” he said and proposed to government to zone affected communities in various Districts And Municipal to be able to do the distribution in households instead of sharing on the streets to prevent over-crowding and the mad rush for the food.

In a statement, Samson Asaki Awingobite said he, and the entire the People’s National Convention have been keen in supporting the fight against the deadly covid19 virus in Ghana since the issues of covid19 encompassing and needs all hand on deck.

“Therefore, I have decided once again to show and share the windows might to Ghanaians in Kumasi since they’re currently under lockdown. I admonish various groups, organizations, individuals and all Ghanaians for your kind gesture shown to the vulnerable one’s living within and outside our communities in this hard times.”

He said there is the need for us all to prove that we’re each other’s keeper especially during crises like this pandemic; congratulating medical practitioners, security agencies, the media and all essential service workers for devoting their lives to serve mother Ghana.

He advised every Ghanaian to try as much as possible to stay home as the virus can only travel when we move or go out, stressing that, “Let’s all keep the hand washing protocols and expect that good results will be heard at the end of the tunnel.”


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