GOIL Shares Valentine With Customers

The leading oil marketing company in Ghana Oil Company limited, GOIL has appreciated its valued customers on Valentine’s Day with the presentation of locally-made chocolate to customers at all its over 360 service stations countrywide.

The day was also used to popularize the patronage of made in Ghana chocolate.

GOIL’s Public Relations Manager, Robert Kyere used the occasion to commend customers for their love and support to the GOIL Brand.

He insisted that GOIL’s bond of friendship, is reflected in its service, quality and reliability of products. 

 “Our love for them is strong, the bond between GOIL and our customers is very strong to the extent that we want to also tell that our relationship with them is not only transactional and that it goes beyond buying and selling so we have christened this day ‘my customer, my love’ in appreciation for all the things they do for us in terms of patronising our products.”

He appealed to customers to keep alive the love for GOIL products by patronizing the company’s products and services.

Items such as pieces of cloth and other gifts were also distributed to patrons.

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