GPHA Awards Hardworking Staff  

The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority has awarded its hardworking staff for their contributions to the growth of the Authority. The award ceremony came off during the annual thanksgiving service of the Port Authority.

This included best worker awards from each department of the Authority, as well as overall awards for Tema Port and Headquarters respectively.

Some notable names were Edward Johnson and Josephine Ankrah who were best Senior Staff workers for 2016, Tema Port and Head Quarters respectively.

Eric Adjei Ablorh, and Mark Ayeebo Akugri were best Junior Staff workers for 2016, Tema Port and Head Quarters respectively.

Rita Essel, and Francis Marfo, were awarded best Senior Staff workers for 2017, Tema Port and Head Quarters respectively.

Eric Oduro and Frederick Kyei, were awarded best Junior Staff workers for 2017, Tema Port and Head Quarters respectively.

The General Manager Administration of GPHA, Mr. Alec Oppong, expressed that the awards program is positioned to celebrate staff for their passion and unflinching commitment to the work of the Authority and urged other staff to emulate such enduring efforts.

“The Authority is proud to have staff who for many years have worked with dedication, commitment and loyalty and because of that the Authority has earned much respect that we’re enjoying today,” he said.

The Staff Union executives called on all workers to gear up massively for the year ahead, as GPHA is about to experience significant growth.

“We urge every worker to be part of everything that will go on so that we can move GPHA on and secure our jobs,” the Senior Staff Union Chairman of Tema Port, Henry Kuivi encouraged.


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