Have patient with my Boss Kumi Guitar to Menzgold customer.

High-life musician Kumi Guitar has pleaded with Menzgold customers to exercise some patience because he believe his boss NAM1 will settle everybody very soon.

Speaking in an interview with RasKorsa on Akyemansa FM,the high-life singer stated that Menzgold issue is delicate and unfortunate although menzgold and zylofon are facing challenges, he still stands behind the brand that invested into his career.

“It’s my prayer that, my boss, NAM 1 gains his good name back and settles his clients,after all,he is not the only person going through such issues,other organizations are facing the many challenges he said.

Being the first signed of Zylofon media,he said, there are some challenges he is facing since Menzgold saga became publicized.
“Clients do ask me for their money even on stage, sometimes, I have to quit the music for a while, talk about Menzgold,  then continue with whatever I’m doing”.

Kumi Guitar said, although comments are popping up about Becca and Joyce Blessing, both Zylofon signed artistes, trying to move away from Zylofon, to the extent of deleting NAM 1 photos on their social media platforms, he thinks everyone has his or her own way of handling issues.
” That’s them, I don’t know why they did that,but each and everyone has his or her own way of handling issues, I can’t judge on that”.

Story by : Priscilla Oppong

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