I don’t have time to do ‘konkonsa’ with the President – Gabby replies critics

Leading member of the NPP, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko has debunked assertions that he has created a barrier around the President making it difficult for people to access him.

The vociferous politician has come under attack recently for allegedly hijacking all activities within the Seat of Government.

He is also accused of influencing the President’s decisions and imposing his views on appointees who work around the President.

But in a brief post on Facebook, Gabby Asare Otchere Darko refuted those claims and distanced himself from any such act.

He insisted in his post that he has no business at the Flagstaff House and ‘lacks the luxury to hang around the President doing ‘kokonsa’.’

His latest critic has been the Founder and Leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International, Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah who alleges that Gabby and some few persons have surrounded the President at the Flagstaff House and have become so powerful.

His comments follow that of outspoken Member of Parliament, Ken Agyapong who cautioned the President to be careful as most of those he has surrounded himself with are sycophants whose pre-occupation is to use his name to further their personal interest.

Gabby Asare Otchere Darko maintains that these comments are false and manufactured ‘facts’ about him.

He stressed that such acts of hate do not perturb him as his preoccupation is focusing on his work as a lawyer and managing his law firm, Africa Legal Associates, Labone.

“For the avoidance of doubt, I do not work at the Presidency and lack the luxury to hang around the President doing ‘kokonsa.’ I run a law firm, Africa Legal Associates, Labone, where my job is to pursue the legal/corporate (legitimate) interests of my clients. That is my job. In fact, my only job. You may choose to hate. You may even choose to manufacture your own facts about me. But, that’s ok. It is part of life and part of being me, I guess. I accept.”
Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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