I Knew God Was Going To Use Nana Agradaa One Day – Aposte Acheampong

Nana Agradaa

Since she denied voodooism and converted to Christianity and confessed Christ, many Ghanaians, including even some Christians are still of the opinion that Nana Agradaa is just playing the spider to cover up her “dubious character”.

But many are those who are of the firm believe that her confession is a true calling by God, based on her earlier utterances prior to her arrest.

One of such firm believers is Apostle Paul Gyesi Acheampong of the Damascus Christian Church Int. in Agona Swedru who has down played the earlier perception held by some that her calling is self-made and not from God, noting that Nana Agradaa would be a good vessel to use by God if she avails herself, giving the instance of Saul who encountered Jesus on his way to Damascus to persecute the believers of the gospel but later turn to Paul, among other instances.

According to Apostle Paul Gyesi Acheampong, God has His way of doing things in its appropriate time and season and as such the claim by Nana Agradaa that she has been called by God to do His work can not be begrudged by anybody and should be laid to rest once and for all.

As to the argument of defrauding unsuspecting members of the public with her “gari sika”, Apostle Acheampong said majority of Ghanaians are worse than Nana Agradaa, robbing the nation under the guise of politics and through corrupt practices.

He pointed out that the problem cuts across all facets of the society, from the church to security, social service providers, education, civil service and the rest, and therefore people should stop singling out individuals and pointing accusing fingers on them, but rather condemn the practice of corruption and bribery in the country with a holistic approach.

By Robert Ayanful

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