IMaH Engages Health Practitioners In Tema On First Class Cancer Treatment Facility

The International Maritime Hospital has engaged Doctors and health professionals within the Tema Metropolis to convey to them the services they offer in the area of oncology.

The oncology unit has a first-class Chemo suite, existing and specialist care facility and a whole spectrum of cancer management.

A Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Baffour Awuah, identified late diagnosis and poor referral practices, poor communication between patient and caregivers, among others, as some challenges in the treatment of cancer.

He commended IMaH for making its oncology unit a one stop shop for cancer treatment.

Dr. Baffour Awuah said “patients now want everything delivered in one facility. They do not like to move. So, it is good that IMaH has everything.”

The Chief Executive Officer of the International Maritime Hospital, Dr. Sylvester Oppong entreated medical professionals in the area of cancer not to add to the woes and agony of their patients but instead treat them with comfort, empathy and compassion.

Dr. Oppong explained that “cancer is already a depressing illness which comes with a whole lot of psychological challenges. It comes with pain and a lot of anxiety as well as all the drainage from the chemo treatment. So, let us be aware of that.”

He said the IMaH oncology unit will grow to become one of the best in the country.

The Country Manager for Roche Ghana, Philip Anderson said his outfit was impressed with the sterling oncology services being offered by IMaH and will continue to partner the hospital to build the needed human capacity in line with advanced medicine.

“After launching the oncology service in October last year, IMaH has done excellent with how they have set up. They have done particularly well in trying to identify patients at the very early stage with their screening. The pathologist is offering comprehensive diagnosis and they have a very good ambience for the administration for chemotherapy,” he touted.

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