Know the times, seasons and position yourself against calamities – The SEER

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah has urged the children of God to reposition themselves spiritually so as to know and understand the times and seasons of every occurrence under the earth.

He said, when one is aware of the times and seasons, he would be able to control things around him since he would be aware of everything that happens.

“We must know time and season of everything. This shows we are walking with God,” he said.

The SEER was speaking on Angel Fm’s morning show where he stressed the fact that the world has been launched into a season of Jealousy, where Jealousy would take over peoples’ thoughts, thinking, acts and behaviour and if care is not taken, this would bring serious problems to individuals.

According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, God has positioned the children of God to know about the time and seasons so that whatever that happens in the world physically, would be made known to them in the spirit realm because “If you don’t know your time, you are lost.”

Mathew 16:2 – 6 “He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

He explained that, just like the weather forecasters prepare people physically against disasters by giving information about the occurrences, so is it important for us to know what happens in the spiritual realm by getting closer and walking with God for the revelations of the times and seasons.

He said, “If all these things are being told in the physical realm, then we must also be ready to delve into the spiritual realm to see the season and reason for all these occurrences so that we will not lag behind. Every season and what happens and if you are not careful you would do things that would have dire consequences on us.

“When we know the times and seasons, we would position ourselves, we would program ourselves so as to prevent certain calamities that will occur.”

He also averred that in as much as the world is plunged into the season of jealousy, it is also a season of the Greatest Blessing and the Greatest struggle.

According to him, before the end of this September, God will do something to lift many people up into their greatest blessings.

“So, this is the season for us to prepare ourselves so we will be able to step into our greatest blessing and step out of our greatest struggle.”

“We are in the season of jealousy. You can save yourself from things that could harm or destroy you “John 4: 4: You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

He also took the opportunity to invite all for the coming ‘Mpaebo Kese’ which comes off tomorrow at the Church Auditorium in Odorkor Official Town.

He said, this is the time to break from the York of struggles and move into the greatest blessing, by building yourself supernaturally.

Everybody, he said is born natural but when that person adds super to his live, he becomes Supernatural; above every attack from the enemy “When the super meets your natural, you become supernatural.”


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