The lawful representatives of the three royal ruling houses of Kwashikuma-man under the Sempe Stool of James Town Stool in the Amansaman district of the Greater Accra Region has called on the public to reject any person who parades himself as the chief of the community.
The calls come in the wake by some unknown individual who is styling himself as Chief of Kwashikuma-man, they have therefore issued a stern warning calling on him to stop parading himself as such since the Kingmakers have not enstooled a chief for the community.
“We call on the public to disregard the claims being peddled around that sought to suggest that Kwashiekuma-man has a chief because none has been enstooled by the authority clothed with the powers to do so.”
Speaking in her capacity as one of the lawful representatives of Kwashikuma-man, Naa Akushia Codjoe has this to say “as far as I am concerned, we have not sanctioned the installation of any chief so the said self-styled Chief must not be taken serious and any transactions that would be entered with him shall be nullified in the fullness of time”.
Naa Akushia, said anyone who parades himself as the newly installed Kwashikuma-man chief is fake and an imposter and advised the general public to ignore such self-seeking individuals who go about clandestinely to deceive the public.
The family indicated that the elders of the royal families have the right to annul any dealings with people who would ignore the advice and continue to deal with the said chief and that when that happens, the families shall not be held responsible.
Naa Akushia Codjoe insisted that in accordance with the relevant traditional rites and customs by the elders of the three royal houses none has been nominated, elected, selected and installed as the substantive Chief of Kwashikuma.
Backing her calls with documents she stated that per a ruling of the Judicial Committee of the Sempe Divisional Council on 27th January 2014 the following individuals Naa Akushia Codjoe, Mr Paul Odartei Blankson and Mr Ashiru Balugun were nominated to represent the three royal ruling houses namely Naa Ama Adua, Naa Ayeley and Naa Anowah families, and were clothed with the powers as the sole ruling authority over Kwashiekuma-man.
The nominees were giving the mandate to run the affairs of the village in accordance with Kwahikumaman tradition and usages and see to the appointment of a Chief, Queenmother, Dzaasetse and Shipi.
The Kwashikuma-man chieftaincy dispute was resolved years ago following a ruling and judgement delivered by the Sempe Judicial Committee under the Ga Traditional Council as well as the Amasaman District Court on 7th March 2019 before H/W Evelyn Asamoah, which has not been set aside.