The Greater Accra Regional Lands Officer, Surv. Maxwell Adu-Nsafoa has revealed that the Lands Commission has no authority to meddle in Stool Lands affairs and that, claims by the Gbetsile Stool of the Commission plotting their lands in individuals’ names cannot be true.
It would be recalled that the Gbetseli Stool haD petitioned the Lands Commission to look into what it claimed, illegal grabbing of portions of Gbetseli lands by individuals and plotting same in the name of Apollonian.
The Gbetseli Stool asked the Lands Commission to expunged the plotting of the portion of the Gbetsile lands into Apollonia from the records as it is legally indefensible.
According to the Chief of Gbetseli, Nii Teye Kojo Sune I, who signed the said petition and copied to the Director of Survey and Mapping department, the Administrator of Stool Lands, the Director of Land Tittles and the Regional Director of the Lands Commission including the Police, there is a judgment plan the Gbetseli Stool obtained from the High Court stating the actual size and demarcations of the Gbetseli Stool Lands.
Meanwhile, in an interview with the Greater Accra Regional Lands Officer, Surv. Maxwell Adu-Nsafoa, he explained that the Lands Commission deals with Government’s Acquired Lands and Vested Lands and that Lands that are solely Stool lands are not part of their businesses and hence, cannot plot any of such ands for individuals.
He has therefore called on the Stool to make their Land Plan available to the Commission to take a critical look to see whether their lands do not fall within the vested of government acquired lands or whether they are purely Stool Lands.
He indicated that, although the Stool might have issues of claims that the land is being plotted as Appolonia lands, that is a matter the Stool needs to handle at the Courts to determine who is/are the rightful owners of the land in question.