LET’s LEAD AFRICA Graduates 23 Young Women Entrepreneurs Under Dream Builders Program Project

LET’s LEAD AFRICA & T3 Diversity Solutions organizations have graduated twenty three (23) young women entrepreneurs under the Dream Builders Program.

The young entrepreneurs have undergone 13 Weeks of entrepreneurship program that would help them transform a habit into an actual business to expand their knowledge, support their communities and implement their roles as entrepreneurs.

Addressing the graduation ceremony in Accra last Saturday, Guest Speaker for the occasion, Komdedzi Esene Amenumey, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Expert and Creative Lead at Blek Limited Ghana, Mumpesa Consult said the journey of the trainees over the past thirteen weeks has been nothing short of inspiring and a testament to your determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment to realizing your dreams as a women entrepreneur.

“Entrepreneurship, as they say, is the art of turning ideas into realities, is a powerful force that shapes economies and empowers individuals. It’s the spirit of innovation that drives progress and change. Today, more than ever, women are playing a pivotal role in the world of entrepreneurship. Women-owned businesses are not just thriving; they’re changing the game, breaking barriers, and shattering glass ceilings.”

Komdedzi Esene Amenumey charged them to embrace their unique perspective as women entrepreneurs in Africa, since they possess a unique perspective and experience.

“Your diverse backgrounds and talents are your greatest assets. Harness your unique viewpoint to birth groundbreaking ideas. Take inspiration from Hammat Motia, who fused her African heritage and modern design and gave birth to a global line of beauty products.”

She also urged them to continuous learning and that entrepreneurship is a lifelong journey of learning and growth and that, Just because they have completed the program doesn’t mean their education is over.

This isn’t the end; but the beginning. Keep learning, seek knowledge, and stay ahead. Dzifa, CEO of Sweet-in-tins, mastered the art of cake design for over 10 years, propelling her business to nationwide acclaim…Hurdles are a natural part of entrepreneurship. It’s not a sign of weakness but a stepping stone to success. Don’t let setbacks discourage you. Instead, use them as valuable lessons that will guide you towards more robust and sustainable business practices. Ellen Hagan, CEO of a major HR services firm in Ghana, learned from rejection 25 years ago, she turned these rejections into a ladder to success; now she has mentored over 500 individuals in her journey.

Komdedzi Esene Amenumey also averred that, there is the need for the graduates to build the Power of Networking and a Strong Support System.

According to her, building strong relationships within the business community is crucial, stressing that the network can open doors, provide valuable advice, and help them overcome challenges.

“Consider your social and environmental impact. Businesses that give back attract loyal customers and partners. Remember, Let’s Lead Africa, organizing this program, is itself an embodiment of this principle. Never Stop Believing in Yourself: The road may be bumpy, but always remember the passion and determination that brought you this far and lean on it. Believe in yourself, your vision, and your abilities. Confidence is a powerful tool in entrepreneurship.”
She inspired them to dream big, work hard, and never lose sight of the incredible potential within them.
The Founder of LET’s LEAD AFRICA, Honourable Issah Sawadogo on his part said, the entrepreneurs have not only strived for success in their ventures, but they have done so under the banner of LET’s LEAD AFRICA & T3 Diversity Solutions organizations, driven by a passion for making a positive impact on the Youth and women in the world.
He said, in a world often driven by profit margins and bottom lines, these graduates have chosen a different path and they have harnessed the power of entrepreneurship to address critical issues, champion social causes, and create sustainable change in their communities and beyond.
“Their work has been a testament to the fact that entrepreneurship can be a force for good, a catalyst for transformation, and a means to build a brighter, more equitable future. Throughout their journey, these graduates have faced unique challenges like lack of internet & other social commitments.
“They’ve navigated the complexities of fundraising, business plan, social media marketing, mobilized resources, and leveraged innovation to tackle some of society’s most pressing problems. They’ve learned that success in the nonprofit entrepreneurial world requires not only vision and determination but also collaboration, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the communities they serve.”
Issah Sawadogo said the graduates have not only created jobs and economic opportunities, but they have also touched countless lives, bringing hope, dignity, and positive change to those in need.
“Your journey as entrepreneurs has been nothing short of inspirational. You have shown us that entrepreneurship can be a force for social good, a catalyst for positive change, and a path to leaving a lasting legacy. Your dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to your causes are an example to us all…
As you move forward, continue to dream big, take bold risks, and use your entrepreneurial spirit to shape a world that reflects the values you hold dear. Your education and experiences have prepared you to face any challenge and overcome any obstacle. Remember that the impact you make is not measured solely in profits but in the lives you touch and the communities you uplift,” he said.


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