Lies Against Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh Exposed

There is a renewed plot to malign the otherwise meticulous and hardworking Minister of Education, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh.
Several of such dastardly acts were activated in the past, but all woefully failed to generate the result that the mischief makers wanted.

This time round, a group, on their WhatsApp social media network, is making frivolous allegations that the minister has procured a Rolls Royce vehicle and a building in the United States of America (USA).

What is making the whole agenda nauseating is the fact that those engaged in the mischief are claiming that a government person is using state funds to pay for the minister’s mortgage in the USA.

Checks have revealed that the minister is more than capable of buying a Roll Royce and paying for a mortgage in the USA, without the implicit corrupt tag the dirty elements may want to imply.

The checks revealed that the minister does not have the things mentioned by the grubby gamers and would definitely not buy those things.

Sources close to the minister say that Dr. Prempeh would never harbour the thought of owning a Roll Royce or a house in the USA, per his upbringing.

The sources said that the Minister of Education has lived and own a house in Trassaco Valley in Accra, Kumasi and London, all before he entered Parliament in 2009.

Dr. Prempeh has been the target of mischievous elements since his appointment as Minister of Education because of his commitment towards the success of the government’s flagship programme, the Free Senior High School (Free SHS).

There have been occasions where people were paid by the disgruntled persons to run down the minister on various radio stations and other media outlets.

Apart from that, certain elements in the past sent scouts all over the country to look for shortfalls in the implementation of the Free SHS to spite the minister with.

One thing clear is the fact that the naysayers doubted the ministry would be able to roll out the Free SHS and therefore their calculated assault on the minister would rub on the Akufo-Addo-led government by extension.

In spite of the heinous agenda against the Education Minister, he has excelled to the admiration of majority of Ghanaians.

In 2017, Dr. Prempeh was adjudged ‘Best Minister’ based on monitoring and evaluation of all ministers.

In addition to that some local and international organisations have honoured the minister for his hard work.

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