McDan solves water challenge in Ayalolo Cluster of School

The McDan Group has solved the perennial challenge of water in the Ayalolo Cluster of Schools in Accra.

The school has over the years faced continuous challenge of water which made teachers as well as students put that on the list of To-Dos to find a permanent solution.

In helping the school overcome this challenge, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the McDan Group, Dr. Daniel McKorley, brought a permanent solution to their water plight by installing a water tank on the school premises for them.

Gathering with some authorities from the schools, plus others from the Ghana Water Company Limited in the area, the students were allowed access to the new source of water, while some authorities heaped praise on the McDan boss for the kind gesture.

Nii Atsire Agbo, who spoke on behalf of the McDan boss, told the children that education is as important as having good, reliable drinking water.

“Education is the redemption you need to move from what you didn’t know to the point where you can say that you now know. Education is your life, so guide it well. And to get educated without water, and since you know water is life.

“It is for this reason that we reached out to McDan about the challenges we were facing with water here, and so we spoke with McDan, and he came to our aid,” he said in Ga.

Making the presentation, he also told the gathering that Dr. Daniel McKorley, being aware that the school would also need to pay some water bills going forward, had sent them an amount of GH¢3000 to help.

The teachers and the students expressed appreciation to the McDan for the support.


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