Members Of The Clergy Resolve To Fight Against LGBTQ+

Members of the Clergy in the Central Region have resolved to use every legitimate means to resist any attempt by any group to introduce the practice of same sex marriage in the country, even if that will cost them their live.

According to the members of the Clergy, apart from the practice been an abomination in the sight of God and also against the cultural practices and norms of the country, it also has serious health implications and would pose threat to the country’s health sector.

They have also warned people, including Members of Parliament who are pushing for the agenda for the practice to be passed into law for their selfish gain, to desist from the motive or face the wrath of God.

According to them, Ghana is a sovereign state and therefore must not allow itself to be dictated to by any external force or bow to any external pressure.

They cautioned that failure to heed to this warning could spell doom for the country, as God will not spare His anger on the people.

They described the practice as one of the schemes of the devil to sway the human race from God, stressing that those who engage in the practice suffer from a form insanity  as even animals do not engage in such practices.

They have warned to put on red bands and demonstrate against acceptance and passage of any such bill into law, to signify their displeasure against the practice.

The founder and leader of the Christian Family Solution Chapel Rev. Samuel Temeng, the Area Head of the Apostolic Divine Church of Ghana Apostle George Yaw Kwartei Smith, the minister in charge of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Rev. Martin Luther Yao Abgovi, the founder of the Divine Gift Worship Ministry Pastor Philip McCallister all in Agona Swedru, as well as the Gomoa Akropong branch minister of the Holy Church of Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Ansah and the minister in charge of the Resurrection Baptist Church of the Ghana Baptist Convention at Agony Asafo Rev. Abraham T. K. Sanniez in a statement have called on the  Akufo-Addo led NPP administration not to play diplomacy with the government’s decision on the matter, but rather be bold to condemn and reject it outright, as done by his predecessors.

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