Natacha De Almeida Weeps After Winning WBC Muay Thai Title In Ghana

… As The Defenders of Pro Fighting Factory Show Class

Natacha De Almeida, the popular Swiss Muay Thai champion shed tears of joy when she won the WBC Super Bantamweight title after defeating Dolphina Walter Tony  from Malaysia  in Accra at the Bukom Boxing Arena in Saturday night.

The Swiss national who has adopted Ghana as her fighting nation said the country is blessed with wonderful people and vast natural resources, so Ghana is one of the best places in the world, and the people are very good.

She praised her Ghanaian coach / trainer, Lawrence Nyanyo Nmai, the world kick boxing champion and WBC Mauy Thai representative for his hard work and ensuring the Muay Thai is popular in Africa.

She said her opponent gave her a real match, and the WBC title was not won easily. “My opponent is very good, she gave me a lot a hard work to do because I was punching and working hard and she kept coming, so I had to rely on me experience and my coach’s advice to win. I thank the people of Ghana for the support” she said.

According to Lawrence Nyanyo Nmai, she will take a rest and continue with the hard training. He hinted that they will defend the title in either the USA, Thailand, Italy or Holland.

In the thrilling bouts, another female, 16 year old Eranda Ireni aka The Wonder Girl also from Switzerland beat Ghanaian Gladys Addy who was fighting for the first time. For the full results: Jonathan Euro (Ghana)  knocked out Abdul Rushed (India), while  Samuel Plange (Ghana)  also had a KO win over P.Askar (India).

Francis Dodoo (Ghana)  put up a good fight to defeat Jesus Zamora Salvador (Philippines) before Dolphina Walter Tony (Malaysia) lost to Natacha De Almeida (Switzerland).

Sensational Isaac Commey (Ghana) was too strong for A-Karadech Seesombat (Thailand), and he had an easy win.

Isaac Aikins (Ghana) was declared winner of the World Kick boxing Federation title as Hassan Acinik from Turkey failed to turn up.

Stephen Bruce (Ghana) thrilled his fans with a good display to beat tall opponent Sodiq Mohammed from Nigeria.

Gladys Dede Anang (Ghana) did well but could not last as her corner threw in the towel, to avoid punishment from Eranda Ireni (Switzerland) in their Amateur Muay Thai championship.

Stephen Abbey (Ghana) could not fight as his opponent from Tanzania could not turn up for their boxing match with the WBA Pan Africa Title at stake.

President of the Ghana Kick Boxing Association expressed joy for the event and hoped that corporate Ghana will support Muay Thai and urged more Ghanaians to join the Muay Thai family as it is under Ghana Kick Boxing Association.

Nii Fanny, Ko-Jo Cue & Shaker and other musicians entertained the fans who were very happy with the organization, output of the fighters and security.

Hadj Bettahar, WBC Muay Thai Africa Chairman who supervised the championship commended the Pro Fighting Factory for their great show. He said Ghana has the potential to be a Muay Thai destination and promised to support Ghana.

He stressed that Muay Thai is the fastest growing sports in the world and Ghana cannot be left behind.

The organisers, Pro Fighting Factory Promotions promised to put up another event in December and appealed for support from companies.

STORY BY Sammy Heywood Okine

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