NCC, ITI To hold 2nd Edition Of emerging arts scenes conference in Ghana

The National Commission on Culture and the International Theatre Institute will host the second edition of the emerging arts scenes from September 25 to 30, 2022 in Accra.

The conference will be held at the Alliance Francaise, Ghana Academy of Arts and Science and the premises of the Community Education Youth Development.

The emerging arts scenes conference is an educational event aimed at strengthening the artistic and technical capacities of performing artists in Africa, thus facilitating their access to the world stage.

It will bring together various theatrical experiences and individuals to network and share knowledge in the field, promote transcultural exchange, enhance arts and craft development, create network avenues for up-and-coming artists and promote the Destination Ghana Agenda.

Speaking at the media launch last Thursday, the Community Education Youth Development Director, Dr Akosua Abdallah, said the event would bring 75 young practitioners from Africa, Europe, Asia and America who had been selected to participate in the conference.

She added that the participants would take part in the various workshops, with high-level trainers in artistic, technical and administrative fields related to performing arts.

The Chairperson said a total of 75 young practitioners from 25 African countries had been selected following a call for applications, to take part in the various workshops.

“With high-level trainers from Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas,” she added.

This educational event will bring together participants from African Centres from the following countries, Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Egypt, and Ghana.

Others are Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe.

She said the conference was aimed at strengthening their artistic capacities in (physical theatre, theatrical staging, choreography creation and techniques, and sound and light creation.

All the artists will participate in a round table with the theme: “The theatrical experience of different regions of the world”, and Selling the live Art, led by renowned Ghanaian playwright, director, actor, and motivational speaker Uncle Ebo Whyte of

All the artists will participate in a round table on the theme: “The theatrical experience of different regions of the world”, and Selling the live Art, led by renowned Ghanaian playwright, director, actor, and motivational speaker Uncle Ebo Whyte of Roverman Productions.

The Executive Director of the National Commission on Culture, Janet Edna Nyame, noted that the International Theatre Institute has over the years evolved to become one of the recognised world’s performing arts organisations which strive for a society in which performing arts and artists flourish.

“Coincidentally, the upcoming conference is taking place at a time the Commission is feverishly preparing itself to hold its biannual and most cherished flagship event of Arts and Culture, NAFAC 2022, which will take place in the historic town of Cape Coast in December this year,” she disclosed.

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