The Oforikrom constituency chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Mr.Seidu Awudu has said, no constituency chairman is behind a purpoted release that they are not in support of an appointment by His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo decision over the newly Boss for Ashanti region Metro Mass Transit.
According to him, the NPP has over 46 constituency chairpersons in the Ashanti region and none of them has come out to object the appointment of the newly Ashanti regional metro mass transit boss as it has been purportedly circulating   through many social media platforms and other media houses in the region since Friday.
Refuting a purported release claimed it is signed by six. NPP constituency chairpersons of Ashanti region including him and copied to the following offices namely: the office of the president, chief of staff, the director of MMT,minister of roads and transport, national executives, regional executives and all media houses,Mr. Seidu Awudu in an interview with the New Crusading Guide said, he don’t know those behind the release though his number and name is among those who could believe they are behind the said release.
The release is entitled: Petition to revoke bad attitudes towards the appointment of Agyenim Boateng Daniel’’. The release reads as we the Ashanti regional constituency chairmen of the ruling New Patriotic Party are surprised about what is happening with the appointment of Mr.Agyenim Boateng Daniel, the Ashanti regional acting organizer who was currently appointed by the president of the republic of Ghana, His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as the Depot Ashanti regional manager of MMT.
According to the release, after they the chairmen heard of Mr. Boateng Daniel’s appointment, they applauded the president for such decision. It continues that ‘’Our main disappointment and sadness is about what happened today when Mr.Agyenim Boateng Daniel reported to the grounds to start his administrative work as manager of such noble institution’’.
Following the above parts of the release which is circulating through many media outlets and social media platforms, the Oforikrom constituency chairman, Mr.Seidu Awudu indicated that after they heard the release, they were very surprised because no one contacted him including those constituency chairpersons whose name was nailed to the release.
‘’We can’t do that and also fight our president for no wrong doing because we voted for him to be at where he is now and how can we sabotage his works and decision that will foster growth and prosperity’ ’the chairman told the New Crusading Guide.
He was of the view that, though those chairpersons who names pop-up as actors to the release are conducting their investigation to ensure they bring who is behind the release to face the law vigorously because it is impersonating.
According to him, the information some people are circulating about them is falsehood and should be disregarded as trash,adding that the mother Ashanti regional constituency chairmen association has also come out with a rejoinder signed by Mr.Asare Bediako, Asokwa Constituency chairman, who is the chairperson for the association to refute the claim.
It reads: it has come to our notice of the Ashanti region constituency chairmen association of the ruling NPP of a release in the associations name calling for the reinstatement of Mr. Daniel Agyenim Boateng, the acting Ashanti regional organizer. We as an association disassociate ourselves from the release since it is not coming from our quarters, that notwithstanding we would like to say Mr. Daniel Boateng is a fine gentleman who qualifies for such a portfolio and even bigger portfolios.
We as an association coming from the heart of the party have a great respect for the decisions of H.E.Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, his government and leadership of our great party.
We promise to work with anybody our president and his leadership gives leadership position to in Ashanti region. We believe our party has competent men and women in Ashanti region who can help our president achieve his goals for the good people of Ghana and more so Ashanti region.
We therefore urge all the good people of Ashanti region and Ghana at large to disregard the said release.
Signed by chairman Asare-Bediako, chairman of the Ashanti region constituency chairmen association.
Story by By Martin Osei Tutu, Kumasi

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