Prampram Homowo: Stool Father Commends REGSEC For Ensuring Peace During The Sprinkling Of Kpokpoi

Stool father of the Prampram Traditional area, Numo Osabu Abbey IV has commended the Greater Accra Regional Security Council headed by the Regional minister Henry Quartey, for their role in ensuring peace during the area’s Homowo celebration which begun on Tuesday.

with the celebration of this year’s annual Homowo Festival being held under strick security supervision, the sprinkling of kpokpoi which is usually characterized by confusion and chaos, was minimized in Prampram during Tuesday’s exercise.

With all feuding factions being directed to sprinkle the traditional food in their homes, Stool Father of the Prampram Paramountcy, Numo Osabu Abbey, described the directive as timely.

Expressing some disappointment in the conduct of the Embattled Chief of Prampram, Nene Tetteh Wakah whose legibility is being challenged in the courts, Numo Osabu Abbey IV, could not understand why the former was bent on sprinkling the kpokpoi in his clan house when there was a clear directive warning him against such.

Commending the greater Accra Regional minister Henry Quartey for his timely intervention in ensuring the festival was held without any bloodbath, Numo Osabu Abbey also stressed ok the need for the security apparatus to crack the whip on known troublemakers, who have made the area volatile.

Head of the Doku Mansro Abbey We, Numo Doku Abbey, expressed concern about the growing rate of the use of landgaurds to intimidate members of the three royal gates ,namely Abbey We, Kle Opletu We and Doku Mansro Abbey We during such occasions. He warned they might be compelled to defend themselves in future event.

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