Prampram To Go Bloody … As Regional Minister, Ex-MP Allegedly Plan To Outdoor New Chief

Some group of people in Prampram are planning to outdoor a new chief ahead of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs ruling on Friday, over who is the legitimate hier to the Stool.

The planned outdooring of Michael Quarcoopome Parker Parker which is to be done on Thursday, February 7, 2019 under the Stool name Nene Tetteh Waka III, is believed to be a plot hatched by the architects to create mayhem in the community.

However, information gathered on the grounds ahead of the intended ceremony indicate that the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Ishmael Ashitey and former MP of Ningo Prampram, E. T. Mensah are behind the whole scheme which, many residents, especially the youth considered an act of irresponsibility on the part of the two politics figures.

The purported installation of Parker Kwaku as Paramount Chief of Prampram on Thursday, February 7, 2019 is also against an earlier response from the the GARHC to the Chieftaincy Minister, that the installation process of the said Michael Quarcoopome Parker was not followed and all the three accredited kingmakers, Abbey/Doku Mansro We, Tetteh Djan/Larbi Agbo We and Kwei Opleitu Waka We, have strongly opposed the attempt to install a new paramount chief without authority.

His installation process and confinement was nullified by the security agencies for not following due process and also for maintaining peace and order within the Prampram Traditional Area and its environs.

According to the GARHC the candidate must be nominated, selected by the three prevailing gates of Prampram which rotates. The candidate after the selection is presented to the Dzaase who are made up of nine family heads as the main kingmakers, but that had not been done in the case of Kwaku Parker.

But, the Regional Minister and E. T Mensah, according to sources have put a scheme in place to cause mayhem and eventual bloodshed.

Information gathered is that the oher faction supporting Kwaku Parker, knowing very well they will lose the case at the Regional House of Chiefs, decided to withdraw the case but cunningly planning to outdoor Michael Quarcoopome Parker as chief.

Residents who have expressed anger at the news of Kwaku Parker’s intended outdoor g as the Paramount Chief, said they are very much aware of the plans hatched by Ishmael Ashitey and his cohorts to outdoor Kwaku Parker and that they are prepared to oppose any move they will make.

According to the angry youth, both sides must wait on the GARHC to rule on the matter before any of them can go ahead with their installation or outdooring of their candidate as chief.

They said the matter over who has the legitimacy to ascend the Stool which was brought before the GARHC was necessitated by clandestine acts by some people to install a successor to the late Nene Tetteh Djan III.

They explained that the Anor We Royal Family which is by custom clothed with the authority to install a chief was ignored when the group of persons installed Michael Quarcoopome Parker as the Paramount Chief of Prampram.

The people of Prampram who have expressed their reservations over what Ishmael Ashitey and his people are planning for Thursday, said the security agencies must do all they can to keep order in the community since they are also prepared to oppose Kwaku Parker and his group.

According to them, the other faction is waiting patiently for the outcome of the GARHC Ruling on the matter, yet Michael Quarcoopome Parker and his people being supported by Ishmael Ashitey are bent on bringing chaos to the community.

Meanwhile, this paper has also gathered that the Regional Minister Ishmael Ashitey tried to gag the DCE to lie to the General Public that there is a Paramount Chief in Prampram.

The DCE who exposed this on Atinka fm indicated that he would be brewing Tension, chaos and bloodshed should he agree to Ishmael Ashitey’s moves, hence pointed out that there is no chief until the determination of the case by the GARHC.

“Ishmael Ashitey is not a chieftaincy minister to be poking his nose in our affairs. If he tries to push that his stupid agenda, then we can bet him, there will be bloodshed,” angry residents said.

They said they are prepared to ensure that the decision of the GARHC on the matter holds and that the security agencies must take steps to stop the purported outdorring of Michael Quarcoopome Parker until the case is determined.


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