Produce documents before I release mining equipment – Osei-Mensah to Peter Amewu

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah, has challenged the Minister of Land and Natural Resources, John Peter Amewu, to produce legal documents that Exton Cubic Group Limited has been licensed to mine before he releases seized equipment and logistics hired by the mining company.

Mr Osei-Mensah raided the Mpasaaso Bauxite Concession at the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve in the Atwima Mponua District to seize the equipment hired by the company for its operations.

Although the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, through the Forestry Commission, recently issued a license to Exton Cubic Group Limited to mine bauxite in the region amidst a clampdown on illegal mining activities, Mr Osei-Mensah said the company has not been introduced to him and until he gets documents proving otherwise, he would not allow them to mine in the region.

Speaking with Moro Awudu, host of Class91.3FM’s Executive Breakfast Show (EBS) on Tuesday, 22 August 2017, Mr Osei-Mensah said Anglogold Ashanti, Oware Mines and Asanko Gold are the only three mining companies licensed to operate in the region.

“My interest is they should bring the legal document. It is as simple as that so that tomorrow if there is a problem I’m exonerated.

“So let him [John Peter Amewu] write under his own signature and attach all the necessary documents then I will allow them [Exton Cubic Group Limited] to work,” he said.

Mr Osei-Mensah also expressed shock that he was not copied in the letter permitting the company to mine in his region. He has therefore taken an entrenched position against the company until the legal documents are produced.

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