Prof. Adei Lauds Excellent, Unbelievable Macroeconomics Under Akufo-Addo


A former rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Professor Stephen Adei, has said the Nana Akufo-Addo-led government has managed the macroeconomics of the country “excellently” after two years in power.

According to him, although there are challenges, the government’s positives far outweigh the negatives, adding that if the government will continue in the same direction, Ghana will be “better” after the first four years of the current administration.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Benjamin Akakpo on the Executive Breakfast Show (EBS) Show on Class91.3FM, Prof Adei said: “From what I’m seeing, I think they’ve done extremely well in trying to manage the macroeconomics, it’s unbelievable that they have been able to turn around almost every indicator from the negative to the positive.

“People say: ‘We’re not feeling it in our pockets’, but any government that puts money in your pocket without you working for it is a thief, and yet people say it because people were stealing money. People were getting contracts which they were not working for, and splashing money about, and, therefore, people felt good. But how long can you do that?

“The macroeconomics has been excellent. So, I think that they have tried to also turn the social around – health, education and those things. There is still a lot to be done but they have done that very well.

“I think the energy situation has improved but I must say, that one, they share it with the NDC because the ‘dumsor’ was so bad they also started to do something except that [they lost power]. I think that Ghanaians now have some hope of the future. They are streamlining things in the harbour, I think in a short time, interest rates will come down because the interest rates must come down within the tens not in the twenties, for people to be able to do business, so, the trend is on the good side.”

Prof Adei noted, however, that the government has failed in the area of infrastructural development.

“I think one area where things have not gone better has to do with infrastructure, partly because they don’t have the money. I travel around the country and it is very bad, so, they haven’t done well there… But there is a lot to be done. If they are able to sustain it, by four years, we’ll have a better Ghana beyond aid,” he said.

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